How is data received / delivered?
Data can be retrieved using one of our a ready to run Forex Data APIs, or by standard Web Request (HTTP GET) via our REST API / Web Services. Alternatively, custom historical data downloads or data disks (CD/DVD) are available by special order.
Which data formats are available?
Data is available in CSV, JSON or XML formats for easy integration with most applications. Please feel free to contact us if you require data in a custom format.
Which Currency/Metals Symbols are available?
We presently cover Currencies, Gold/Silver and a few Crypto Currencies. For a current list of available symbols please click here.
Why is there a "Maximum Symbol per Request" limit?
You will find that most data services available today count each symbol in one request as a "One Hit".
We do not. We count a "One Hit" as "One Hit", and one-hit can combine many symbols. This can save you money.
How do daily access limits work?
Each 1 data access counts as 1 hit towards your chosen daily limit.
For example, there are 86,400 seconds in one 24-hour period. If you subscribe to 17,280 accesses per day then you could access data approximately once every 5-seconds. Likewise, if you subscribe to 1,440 accesses per day then you could access the latest quotes every 1-minute. Or 432,000 would be about 5 times per second.
The daily counter resets each day midnight (00:00:00) UTC.
Can I integrate data into my Distributed Apps?
Absolutely! You are encouraged to leverage ForexFeed data services to help power all of your Apps! (this is why we're here, after all :).
It is important to note however that each client receiving data must access data directly from the ForexFeed Data Service. You may not act as a caching Proxy, for example, as Redistribution is strictly against our Terms of Service.
* If you need assistance protecting your AppID/Access Key within your Distributed Apps please shoot us a message.
How many Apps/Sites can use data on?
Each data subscription is entitled to retrieve data for one Application or Site. If you need data for a second or multiple Apps then you are welcome to create more Apps within your account.
Where does data come from?
Data is sourced from leading market contributors, routed into our proprietary high throughput ticker plant and out to clients. Ensuring consistently fast access to the latest live spot prices.
Which OHLC intervals are available?
Open, High, Low, Close Data is available in the following intervals (aka "bars"):
- Seconds: 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45
- Minutes: 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60
- Hours: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 24
- Other: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Is OHLC data Live?
Yes. OHLC is always live / trailing the market. For example using the 1-Hour data interval: A new one-hour period opens at 10:00:00 UTC and remains open until 10:59:59 UTC. This one-hour OHLC period will see it's High, Low and Close values constantly fluctuate with the market until it closes (at 10:59:59 UTC). A new 1-Hour interval begins at 11:00:00 UTC and the cycle repeats.
I see APIs for Java, .NET, PHP & Perl. Does this mean I'm limited to these languages?
Absolutely not. Our REST API / Web Service provides access to data via a standard web URL (using HTTP GET). It's fairly straight forward to implement in with any networking aware programming language or software stack. Of course you are welcome to leverage any of these data APIs to ease development time and cost.
What methods of payment do you accept?
We currently accept: