Intraday FOREX, Crypto & Precious Metals Data

Customize your Intraday data feed

Intraday FOREX (Foreign Exchange), Precious Metals (Gold and Silver), and Crypto data.

Intraday data services include access to Open, High, Low and Close (OHLC series data) of the time frame selected as well as any longer timeframe. For instance, if you select Hourly data you'll have access to Hourly, 3 hour, 12 hour, Daily etc.. If 5 Minute is selected, it includes 5min, 10min, 1 hour, 3 hour, daily etc...

Intra-day data is delayed/trailing data (one OHLC period behind). If you're looking for live-OHLC or tick-data please see our Real-Time data feed

Please note that this is a general data service builder. If you have any special requirements (Apps, groups, high-demand, partner inquiries etc. ) then we're here to help.

Data Markets
Select your desired Data Markets.
Data Types
Select your desired Data Types.
Select your number of API requests. Each time data is retrieved it counts as "one hit" towards the limit selected.
The Maximum number of Symbols that can be retrieved in one data request.
The maximum number of Trailing OHLC Data Points. Trailing OHLC data requests are for the "latest X periods" of OHLC data. For information please Click here
The shortest OHLC Data Interval desired, all greater intervals are also included. For information on OHLC Intervals, please Click here.

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